About us

We work every day to share all the beauty and uniqueness that Romagna has to offer

Countless individuals work together every day to ensure that the thousands of tourists who choose to spend their holidays in Romagna enjoy a unique and unforgettable travel experience and, more importantly, one they will want to repeat again.

The www.visitromagna.it website groups together all the institutions and entities that organise and publicise tourist information, at every level: these are men and women who are not only passionate about their region, but who also have insider knowledge of all its attractions.

There's a reason hospitality in Romagna is so sacrosanct.

Organization and promotion of tourism in Emilia-Romagna

Local Editorial Boards (Tourist Information System - SITur)

Ferrara: Ferrara e provincia

Ravenna: Ravenna - Cervia - Terre di Faenza - Bassa Romagna

Forlì-Cesena: Forlì e circondario - Cesenatico e dintorni - Bagno di Romagna

Rimini: Rimini - Riviera di Rimini

Regional tourist board

APT Servizi (Tourist information, Press Office Italy/Overseas, Marketing Office, Web)


Destinazione Turistica Romagna
Person in charge: Chiara Astolfi
Email: info@visitromagna.it
Pec: romagnaturismo@legalmail.it

Editorial Board

Giulia Bratti, Luca Bianchi, Caterina Polcari

Last update 24/07/2024