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Romagna’s Natural Parks

A well-organised network of parks and nature reserves extends over the entire Romagna. From the Apennine ridge to the Adriatic coast, there are many protected areas that contribute to make this territory unique in Italy and Europe.

Enchanting and full of incredible surprises, the parks of Romagna offer many moments of excitement to anyone who is looking for direct contact with nature and the unforgettable experiences that can come from it.

A lot of different habitats, more than 2,700 types of plants and more than 350 species of vertebrate animals: these are the figures that can help you better understand the variety of this extraordinary complex of natural ecosystems that are protected and safeguarded every day in Romagna.

So, when you take a trip to Romagna’s natural parks, make sure to respect their rules and the treasures of biodiversity they contain.

Last update 18/06/2024