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Wild Romagna

Small or great adventures in environments where nature has not only regained great spaces, but also great emotions

In Romagna, nature isn’t kidding: not many people know that it can be both surprising - thanks to its largely unknown treasures, frequented by enthusiastic pioneers of the “Italian wild” - but also decidedly wild, powerful and even adventurous. 

The Po Delta is unique; a world that in many respects is still very mysterious, a generator of beauty and charm where landscapes, animals and local cultures, that are unparalleled in Italy, meet. Unsurprisingly, people come from far and wide to discover this maze of land and water. 

The hills are appealing thanks to their tranquillity, but they also often hide long itineraries that lead to isolated sites, grottoes and calanques, along country roads and paths that take visitors to delightful ancient villages, surrounded by rural landscapes, where nature is starting to get the upper hand and the vegetation and fauna of centuries gone by are returning. Then there are the mountains, that part of the Apennines where Romagna, Tuscany and the Marche meet that, precisely because of its extraordinary importance, is protected by several national parks that safeguard the area, but also invite visitors to discover this large and unusual Italian borderland of nature and culture. This Apennine frontier boasts extensive woodland, some of the most important forests in Europe, such as those in Casentino Forests, Mount Falterona and Campigna National Park, Sasso Simone and Simoncello Inter-Regional Park and the entire network of parks in Romagna

This is a paradise for trekking, a place that’s best seen on foot, but also by bicycle or on horseback, at any time of year, following ancient trails and paths. If you prefer, the areas can be visited with expert guides who know every charming hidden corner and accompany visitors to cosy mountain refuges, monasteries lost in the woods and mountain villages filled with ancient memories of life and labour. Here, visitors can experience the small and great adventures of a close relationship with areas where nature has not only regained great spaces, but also great emotions.

Last update 18/06/2024