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Ciclovia di Dante Cycle Route

There are many ways to travel the Vie di Dante cycle route, many roads to follow to cross that part of Romagna that lies between the Adriatic and the Tuscan-Romagna Apennines, inextricably linked to the memory of the Father of Italian Literature and his extensive pilgrimage.

The Ciclovia di Dante cycle route is a fascinating bike itinerary between Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany designed for anyone who wants to embark on a journey on two wheels to discover an area where art, nature, history and good food have always come together in a perfect alchemy.

A line connecting Florence and Ravenna, respectively the birthplace and final resting place of the Supreme Poet, the itinerary offers a scenario made up of plains, hills, woods and highlands.

Between villages and breathtaking views, the route touches some of the most significant glimpses of Dante’s wandering narrative and shows itself for what it is: simple and evocative.

Ecological and healthy, the cycle path is made up of protected dirt and gravel roads and secondary roads, all with low traffic, suitable for all the different types of cyclists, from enthusiasts to the most experienced.

Depending on one’s physical condition, the route can be done - alone or in company - in 3/4 days aboard E-Bikes, Gravel and MTB, in the name of a slow ride, allowing one to discover the surrounding landscape.


These are the three stages that touch Romagna:

1 | First stage: Ravenna - Bertinoro

Length: 67 km

Uphill height difference: 270 m

Downhill height difference: 100 m

Difficulty: strenuous

Suited for: experienced amateur cyclists

The cycle path starts from Ravenna, a Unesco city a stone’s throw from the Adriatic, Dante Alighieri’s last refuge.

From here, after the necessary homage to the Supreme Poet in front of his tomb, the itinerary proceeds quickly southwards. A quick passage in front of the majestic Basilica of Sant’Apollinare in Classe, and immediately one enters for no less than 20 km into one of the green lungs of the area: the homonymous Pine Forest of Classe, an integral part of the Po Delta Park.

Once one reaches the gates of Cervia, a coastal village famous for the historic production of salt, one moves south-west until reaching the Savio River Cycle Path.

Between white roads and dirt roads, all strictly on the plain, one reaches the Cannuzzo River Park shortly afterwards and, following, after a turn of about 15 km inland, the city of Forlimpopoli.

Leaving the ancient Roman city behind, and following a short stretch of Via Emilia, one will find the first climb of the cycle path. This is the Cesubero hill, in the Cesena area, at the top of which, after a difference in height of about 160 m, we find Bertinoro, also known as the Balcony of Romagna.


2 | Second stage: Bertinoro - Brisighella

Length: 62 km

Uphill height difference: 540 m

Downhill height difference: 590 m

Difficulty: strenuous

Suited for: experienced amateur cyclists

A brief tour of the town and immediately one descends, until reaching the halfway point to intercept the river cycle path of the Ronco River, which soon takes us back to the plain at the gates of Forlì, a city that in 1303 hosted Dante Alighieri at the court of Scarpetta Ordelaffi.

After crossing the entire city, one intercepts the cycle path of the Montone River, to reach the village of Castrocaro Terme and Terra del Sole, since 2005 proudly flying the Orange Flag of the Touring Club.

Once near these two villages, a turn to the north-east allows us to lap the offshoots of the Apennine belt and continue, among gullies, orchards and vineyards, towards the valley of the Montone River, skirting the small town of Oriolo dei Fichi.

Among bucolic landscapes and rolling hills, one reaches Brisighella, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, located on the slopes of the Apennine Park of the Vena del Gesso. In the shadow of the Rocca Manfrediana and the Clock Tower, we find a stop that is a must see before continuing: the small town offers fascinating corners to visit, such as the picturesque Via degli Asini.


3 | Third stage: Brisighella - Marradi

Length: 24 km

Uphill height difference: 280 m

Downhill height difference: 60 m

Difficulty: intermediate

Suited for: amateur cyclists of every level

Leaving Brisighella behind, the cycle path continues its journey along the State Road 302 going up the hills in the direction of Tuscany until it reaches - after having travelled about 155 km - the municipality of Marradi, home of the “marron buono” chestnut, the last stop on the itinerary in Emilia-Romagna.

Last update 14/06/2024