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Snowshoeing in Romagna

Short, wide, long and narrow, snowshoes are one of the many possibilities available to enjoy the beauty of the Romagna Apennines, surrounded by unspoiled and silent nature.

Walking at a slow pace in the snow is an alternative and sustainable way of relating to mountain landscapes and coming into close contact with them. 

It is a fun experience and if we want an alternative to traditional winter sports, it’s one which both adults and children can practice together.

Snowshoeing does not require special motor skills, except for the fact that compared to a simple trek it involves a greater expenditure of energy. However, it is essential to be motivated by a pinch of healthy curiosity and adventure towards nature.

The Apennine belt is characterised by a diversified landscape, rich in wooded areas and well-marked trails. 

In particular, we point out the landscapes of the National Park of the Casentino Forests, Monte Falterona and Campigna, on the border between Tuscany and Romagna, capable of giving unforgettable moments enveloped in the white and icy blanket of winter.

Here from Passo Calla to Monte Falco, from Passo Peschiera to that of Valbura, from the Muraglione to Monte Busca, there are many places on the Tuscan-Romagna ridge where you can try your hand at adventurous snowshoeing walks.

The same is true for the area of Monte Fumaiolo and the Simone and Simoncello Park with many paths and excursions organised by local associations.

Last update 03/07/2024