Authentic Romagna

A land of hills that capture hearts with their quiet shapes but know how to hide long paths that reach solitary places, caves and gullies. And then the mountains, with that stretch of the Apennines where Romagna, Tuscany and Marche meet, creating a large and curious frontier of nature and culture within Italy.

A land of parks and nature reserves able to surprise the visitor, along paths and underground caves where it is possible to abandon yourself to the charm of unspoiled nature, rich in colours, sounds and vitality to free oneself from the noise of the city and listen to the bellowing of the deer or the song of the nightingale.

How can one not be amazed, for example, by the magnificence of the Casentino Forests National Park, a jewel of unspoiled beauty where it is possible to indulge in its colours, its scents, its excursions among ancient beech trees and nature reserves that preserve the integrity of the territory. It is in this context that the “Giant of Romagna” also stands, that is, the monumental Ridracoli dam with its lake, where it is possible to experience evocative excursions by electric boat and canoe to discover its most hidden and mysterious corners.

A land of stunning sites and fortresses, where the memory of the past and of the great Lordships is enclosed in the Castles, symbols of power and wealth that still today amaze for their majesty, imposing legacies of a history with a thousand nuances.

A land of ancient villages that are so pleasant to reach by paths and country roads, immersed in rural territories where nature is regaining the upper hand, where vegetation and fauna are returning to be those of several centuries ago.

From Dovadola, Rocca San Casciano, Tredozio, Portico and San Benedetto, Modigliana are just some of the dozens of villages, of various sizes, in the Romagna hinterland where one can breathe a profound and heartfelt identity made up of history, art, culture and good food, which expresses the best of itself in festivals, in the squares, within the walls of castles, in the museums, in the thousand-year-old churches and abbeys. Towns with ancient traditions, a heritage of knowledge that can’t wait to tell its story.

And surrounding this wonderful land is a varied proposal of events and experiences of an artistic, cultural, naturalistic and food and wine character to allow everyone to experience firsthand the authenticity of the places and their extraordinary offer.

A land, in short, capable of offering an extraordinary widespread heritage of cities of artvillages, castles and nature parks that are well connected to each other and which lend themselves well to being visited through en plein air tourism, far from mass destinations and permanent tourism. Secret places capable of stealing the heart of those who encounter them for the first time. Authentic are also the testimonies of those who, born and raised in these places, still recognise their magic. 


Those who have always lived there would never give them up and those who have just discovered them would like to go back.

Last update 02/08/2024